Sunday, January 27, 2008


A Weekend As The Tour Guide


My cousin Christine and her dad were here for about a week and a half. Christine's mum is my dad's younger sister and they live in Singapore. On this particular weekend, Saimun volunteered to be their tour guide (although they have already been to some of the popular tourist attractions in London).

We started with a short walk around Covent Garden on Saturday - basically a shopping area / market. Nobody bought anything. Then we headed off for lunch. As usual, we went to daddy's favourite restaurant - Belgo's. His favourite because of a few criteria:

(1) The food is good - the number one reason; and

(2) It is child-friendly - which is equally as important because you can find good food elsewhere too.

The restaurant provided Dominic with crayons and activity booklet to keep him occupied while waiting for food. It wasn't long before Dominic started throwing the crayons onto the floor.

Fortunately, food arrived pretty soon. Dominic had cod fritters with fries. "Gu Jeong" had steak and the rest of us had mussels with fries.

Dominic was quick to attack his food. We purposely "starved" him before the lunch so that he would eat. We had dessert after that and was stuffed.

After lunch, we took a long stroll around London - calling at Leicester Square, Trafalgar Square, Downing Street, Big Ben and London Eye. As usual, Dominic fell asleep on his push chair.

On Sunday, we went for Dim Sum in the morning ... err ... noon at Canary Wharf. That was like one hour from our place. But daddy wanted to show my uncle "London's Financial Hub", so to Canary Wharf we went. The next agenda after Dim Sum was shopping! I bought a red shirt for Dominic from Gap - to be worn on CNY. Grandma said that everyone should wear red on CNY. I've already got myself a blood red blouse last weekend. Meanwhile, Christine and her dad got Gap sweaters for little Stephen back home in Singapore.

After that, we took a trip to Greenwich and stood at 0 degree longitude. On the way back, we saw a lion!

Although it was small and it had only two legs, it was still a lion. A Chinese one. :-)

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