Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Dominic On The Potty

When Dominic started eating solids when he was around 6 months old, his stool had become firmer and he grunted each time before he pooped. And so it occured to me that it was a good time to introduce him to the potty. Each time he started to grunt, I'd take him to the potty and he'd do his business there. After a few times, he kinda got the idea that he was supposed to poop in the potty. And so I started the routine. Every morning before his bath, I'd sit him in his potty. Sometimes, he'd go. If he didn't, I'd try again in the evening before his bath. But most of the time he would go after his lunch. And you know what? Ever since then, Dominic had not pooped in his diaper once. I guess sometimes he was trying to tell me that he need to go, but I just could not make out what he was saying. I think he's doing great so far and I hope this will continue until he is able to speak.

And here's a tip which you may find useful. When shopping for a potty, look for higher ones which are deeper. You see the one Dominic has .... it is too low and his legs are too long, so it gets a bit uncomfortable. And when he did a big one, the bowl was not deep enough to take it all in, so he would be like slightly sitting on his shit. :p Okay, I think you kinda get the idea. :-) I think the conventional plastic round potties that we used as babies are the best, but we didn't see those in London.

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