Friday, January 02, 2009


What We Got For Christmas


Daddy must have read my blog about him being a *lousy daddy* for not getting Dominic anything for his birthday, because on Christmas eve, two packages arrived at our doorstep.

The first one is a bicycle for Dominic. My first reaction was that Dominic was too young to ride a bicycle, and so the following conversation took place between daddy and I.

Me: Don't you know every kid should ride a tricycle first before advancing to riding a bicycle?

Him: Is it? But this is a tricycle wat.

Me: No, it isn't. A tricycle has 3 wheels, this one has only 2.

Him: There are two little wheels behind.

Me: Those are stabilizers. They don't make the bicycle a tricycle.

Him: It's the same.

That's how it is talking to someone who doesn't differentiate feet from legs and insists that parsley and corriander leaves are the same thing. :-D

Anyway, as it turned out, Dominic is NOT too young to ride a bicycle. He can get on and off the bicycle on his own. He can paddle and turn left or right, however, often hitting the wall or furniture (we let him ride it in the house because it was warmer).



The 2nd package was the VTech Vsmile TV game console. Immediately, he abandoned the Wii (he has been playing Wii Music in the evenings) and the laptop (he sometimes plays games on the Playhouse Disney website). Daddy bought one of these for his 5-year-old nephew about 2 years ago and now he's *training* Dominic so that when we go back to Malaysia for holiday later this month, they can play together.


Daddy also bought an iPod Touch - really, really cool iPod with wi-fi, Internet browser, emails, and loads of applications (most of which are not free). He said at first that it was for me but he's considering giving it to his brother. It is now a battle between the wife and the brother! And if the brother throws in the white towel and declares defeat, I'm still not the winner yet because his next candidate is his father! I told him his father is too old to appreciate such sophisticated technology.

Seriously, I both envy and admire this husband of mine who has such close relationship with his family - the kind that only exists in my family when mum was still alive, which I only had 3 years to enjoy (at least I only remember those 3 years). With daddy's family, they don't say things like "Let me know if you need any help" but they know that you need help and they give it to you without you having to ask for it.

Anyway, the iPod. Not as good as the iPhone but I still love it. :-)


As for daddy, he didn't get anything. I'm sorry but he insisted that we DON'T celebrate Christmas (and then he went and bought all these stuffs). Really, it wasn't my fault, I was just obeying his wishes. :-D

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