Wednesday, December 31, 2008


My Other Birthday


Today is my birthday. Well, not really. Because of security reasons, my birth date on Facebook is on Dec 31, 1977 - you know how the banks here like to verify your identity using the birth date - but as you may have guessed by now, that's not really my birthday. I didn't believe it when 3 of my friends *had their birthdays* on Jan 1st. Some of you might ask why can't I just remove the birthday from my profile altogether? Well, it's because I like to see my friends getting tricked. Haha! Okay, that's a joke. The truth is that I don't wish to conceal my age from my friends. If only Facebook would let me enter "1977" without an actual date but as you know some parts of Facebook are annoyingly irritating.

So, it started last year when I received a flurry of birthday wishes on Dec 31st. When I politely told them that it wasn't my birthday, I *felt* that some of them were embarrassed (long time friends who still didn't know or remember when my birthday is) and some of them were disappointed (because they really thought it was my birthday). Anyway, it happened again this year, from a different set of people, and guess what, most of the people who wished me a happy birthday this year are my family members! Okay, I don't blame them for not knowing my birthday (or not knowing that I wasn't born on the last day of the year) because (1) My cousins - we only see each other once in a blue moon and some of them are like half my age so we can't possibly be best friends, and (2) My aunts/uncles - they're getting old. :-D

Anyway, for all of you who wished me a happy birthday, thank you very much. I really do like have 2 birthdays in a year (provided only that my age doesn't double), but I also feel bad *deceiving* you. It's 10:45am on Dec 31 2008 and I know it's going to be a good day because I'm home with my family. :-)

Happy birthday to me!

Well, I disagree on the uncle/aunt being old..hahaha! When I saw your friend wished u h.bday, I was puzzled cos' I know it is not on Dec 31. However, when I saw the date on the facebook, I thot I must have been mistaken so ....
Okay, okay. You're NOT old. :p
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