Thursday, February 17, 2011


Dom's School Concert - 5 Years Old


Dom's first ever school concert was on 23-Oct-2010. It was a long time ago, I know, but I've uploaded the videos a while back. I can still remember. We were told to send our children to school by 9:00am, which was really early considering that it was a Saturday. The note said to do up his hair in a "spiky" style and to put make up on my child's face. I did neither, because the concert was scheduled to start at 10am and I thought I could do his hair after we got there, and I never intended to put make up on his face. He's pretty enough already. :-)

When we got there, I realized all the other kids were in their school uniforms. Dom wasn't because it was not stated that he had to be in his uniform - that was the excuse. The main reason was, he has 4 sets of uniforms (for Monday to Thursday) and on Fridays he wears his sports T-shirt. Therefore, there wasn't an extra set for a Saturday. Although I wash everyday but I don't iron everyday. :p

Anyway, we got there and I was carrying Emily. She was terrified and didn't want to be put down. So I asked Saimun to do Dom's hair instead. I said there was a bottle of hair gel in the bag. Saimun went, "What? Spiky? Not nice. If they want it, they should do it themselves." And that was it.

When we dropped Dom off, his hair was like this. By the way, he wasn't wearing that costume when we dropped him off. He was in t-shirt and shorts (I think).


And then, when it was his turn to go on stage for his dance, it took me a long time to recognize my own son! It was because he had different hair and he looked so different! Like this:


He did two dances, which I've uploaded in the videos section:

I prefer the 2nd one.

He also went on stage to get his "award". A few students were selected for Best Conduct, Best Helper, Best Improvement and Best Reader. And Dom was selected for Best Improvement. He was very proud of it. Admittedly, he did improve a lot since going to school. Before this, in the UK, he had been playing and having fun everyday. After a year, he was able to read, write, speak in Chinese (write in Chinese as well) and understands some Malay words.

Generally, I enjoyed the concert, even though when it wasn't my kid performing. The school got the 6-year-olds to give speeches - one in Chinese, one in English and one in Malay and they were really good! With actions and all. It was much better than a lengthy speech by the principal or whoever, which I dreaded but didn't happen. Unfortunately, I think Saimun didn't get to watch much as Em was fast asleep in his arms most of the time.

After that we went for pizza lunch. :-)

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