Sunday, July 02, 2006


Hair Cut

Dominic's hair was getting rather long. And SM needed a hair cut as well. So we decided to have a "hair-cut day". As it turned out, the whole family had a hair cut.

First, both SM and I gave Dominic his hair cut. He screamed bloody hell. It could be because of the hair falling on his face. It could be the sound of the clipper that he didn't like. He could be sleepy and so happened that he wasn't in a good mood. But boy, he really screamed. Even after we stopped messing with his hair. It was a tough time. It was early in the morning and his screams echoed through the entire neighbourhood. Then he wouldn't stop screaming after that when I had to bathe him to get the hair out of his body. And then he had a hard time falling asleep.
Finally, when he was asleep, I gave SM his hair cut. We were in the bathroom and Dominic was sleeping outsid, in the bedroom. He woke up and cried several times when I was doing SM's hair. I suspect it was because he heard the sound of the clipper and thought that we were going to mess with his hair again.
After I'd done SM's hair, I mentioned that I'd like to have mine cut as well. SM offered his service and I accepted. I regretted almost instantaneously. More so everytime I looked at my own photos. :-(

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