Thursday, September 28, 2006
Dominic's First Toothbrush
Dominic has two lower incisors now. Ever since he cut his first tooth, I've been brushing his teeth twice a day using a wet handkerchief. Now, congratulations to myself, I have finally got him a baby toothbrush as shown in the picture below, although Dominic's is green in colour.
MAM Teach Me Toothbrush Set

The unique MAM Toothbrush Set features a long-handled teaching toothbrush designed for hands-on learning (i.e. the handle is long enough for you to whole the tip and guide baby as he brushes his own teeth). The shorthandled baby's first brush is designed for holding, chewing and generally exploring, to help baby grow comfortable with the "feel" of oral health care. The long-handled toothbrush also has a soft massage part at the end of the handle to gently clean toungue and gums prior to the appearance of baby's teeth and may ease teething discomfort. Now, one might criticize that it doesn't make sense to give Dominic a toothbrush at this age as he hardly has any teeth. Let me tell you that it's important to start good oral health care early. Why? First, children infected with decay-causing bacteria early in life are at greater risk for high levels of tooth decay by 4 years of age. Second, children with tooth decay in their baby teeth are at a greater risk for developing tooth decay in their permanent teeth. To me, these two reasons are 'bla-bla' and I don't really think Dominic will develop any tooth decay when he only has 2 teeth. But the main reason I bought this toothbrush is the following reason. Third, learning to brush can be easier with a receptive baby than it is with an independent toddler. I am teaching him from young that brushing his teeth is a must, much like taking a bath and there's no saying he doesn't want to do it. Come on, get your baby a toothbrush now!