Sunday, September 03, 2006
Kew Gardens
Kew Gardens is the Royal Botanics Gardens of the UK. On 3 July 2003, it was officially inscribed on the list of World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Most people would find it impressive. Some would say there was nothing except plants and plants and more plants. Some would say that it is just like the botanical gardens in Malaysia. In fact, they're all quite right in some way.
- It was impressive and extremely huge. There were large conservatories with all kinds of plants. Some were made 'Tropical' with heat and humidity that was worse than in Malaysia.
- There was nothing much except plants. There were tropical plants, water plants, cactus, flowers, vegetables, fruit plants ... any plants you can think of. There was a gift shop that sold plants and seeds and stuffs related to plants. There was a museum that featured plants and their uses. There was an art gallery full of oil paintings of plants all over the world. There was also a Pagoda with more than 200 steps but we didn't go up because there was an extra charge. There was a children's playground/room with swings, rides, etc that were the shape of leaves, trees, etc.
- There were lots of 'Malaysian plants' that we've seen quite often such as palm trees, coconut trees, bamboo, hibiscus, etc. And it was rather fun spotting those because all the other plants looked the same to me.
As usual there was nothing interesting for Dominic. He was too young to appreciate it. Anyway, he had his first picnic where he had lunch sitting on the grass. He also had his first encounter with baa baa black sheep. :-) We spent about 4 hours in the garden and I would consider it a nice outing.

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Ai-yooooo!!!! Dominic is sooooooo adorable!!! He gets cuter and cuter everyday! I must honestly say that he is one of the cutest babies I know around :)
Just can't decide who he looks like or Sai Mun??
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Just can't decide who he looks like or Sai Mun??
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