Monday, April 05, 2010


Quick Update on the 5-Month-Old


Fast approaching 6 months old and Emily is still unable to sit unsupported. Although I know that every baby is different, I can't help comparing her with Dominic, especially when I've heard countless times that "girls are faster than boys". Why, then, is my girl slower? I guess only in this physical aspect is she slower than Dominic. She's probably better when it comes to motor skills. She can now grab things and put them into her mouth. She grabs the blouse that's been placed next to her, his brother's book that we're reading, the rattle in front of her, my phone when we're watching video on it, her pacifier, and basically whatever catches her attention.

Here is my little girl learning to sit. First, sandwiched between two pillows.


Then, she got too excited and she slipped side ways. Haha.



After that, she could sit unsupported for a short time ... probably about 1-2 minutes.



And then .... whoa ... whoops! Toppling over! Haha!


Emily has also started solids 2 days ago. On Sunday, I gave her 1 teaspoon of rice cereal mixed with about 1/4 - 1/2 oz of breast milk. The instruction on the box was to give her just 1-2 teaspoons as a tasting but she finished everything! And even cried when there was none left!

On Monday evening, I again gave her 1 teaspoon of rice cereal, this time, mixed with hot water (because it was too troublesome to have to warm up the breast milk). Again, she finished everything and gave me an irritated grunt when I wiped her mouth at the end! She is definitely sooo ready for solid food. I recall that about 4 years ago, I had an anxious chat with a friend (online) because Dominic wouldn't eat the rice cereal I prepared for him. Now that I think about it, he probably wasn't ready yet. He was about the same age as Emily now. I am feeling so excited for her now! :-D

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