Sunday, March 09, 2008


Over The Hedge


I have recently finished this game (Over The Hedge) on Nintendo DS. It's a game that requires strategy, getting past obstacles without getting caught, hiding and waiting for opportunities. I tend to fare better in this type of games rather than those requiring reflex - fighting, ducking, attacking and speed. As you may have guessed, my reflexes are quite poor. I can never hit the ball in tennis and in basketball games I duck instead of catching the ball. My hand-eye coordination is a bit off - I'll miss the shuttlecock in a badminton game even though it's right in front of me.

So yeah ... I prefer games where I'm required to think rather than to use my reflexes. So Over The Hedge - it was really my type of game. However, in the final level, I was forced to come face to face with my prey. To finish the game, I had to lure Gladys (the evil woman who was trying to catch us) through 3 cameras, which means I had to let her see me and chase me - no more hiding. It took me a few tries before succeeding and at the end of it, boy! My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. It was beating faster than after a 30-minute run on the treadmill!

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