Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Names Statistics


Okay, here are some baby names that I picked up randomly (or not so randomly - some of them are names that I like, some names of friends' kids and I've also thrown in a few bizarre ones as well as some very common ones, just for comparison). The two lists below show the popularity of each name, as a baby name in the US. The information is based on the US Census in 2005.

Oh yeah ... before I begin, I would like to clarify that in no way am I hinting that I'm expecting because I'm not, but I plan to be in the near future, God willing.

For Girls:

  1. Isabelle - 96th most popular
  2. Amber - 102nd most popular
  3. Valerie - 167th most popular
  4. Caitlin - 193rd most popular
  5. Rose - 333rd most popular
  6. Sunny - doesn't rank in top 1000. It used to rank 976th in the 1980s.
  7. Caelyn - doesn't rank in top 1000 and was never within the top 1000 in the past century.
  8. Apple - doesn't rank in top 1000 and was never in the past century.
  9. Sunday - this doesn't exist in the name database at all.

For Boys:

  1. David - 14th most popular
  2. Lucas - 58th most popular
  3. Kyle - 66th most popular
  4. Dominic - 85th most popular
  5. Jeremy - 115th most popular
  6. Marcus - 117th most popular
  7. Tony - 320th most popular

Interesting facts:

For the name Dominic: Popularity for this name is rising, from 258th in the 1970s to 146th in the 1990s and since 1990, the popularity has been rising steadily until it reached 85th in 2005.

For the name David: It has always been very popular, never going beyond the 30th place since 1900. Interesting.

For the name Jeremy: Since 1991, popularity of this name has been decreasing steadily from 44th until it hit 115th in 2005.

For the name Marcus: It became popular in the 1970s, jumping from 201st to 75th, and after that it has always remained in the range of 70th to 100th.

For the name Kyle: Kyle ranked 18th in 1990 but has become unpopular now.

Too bad there is no census information for Asian countries.

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