Sunday, July 20, 2008


Still Counting Down


It is Sunday again and I have survived one whole week playing the single mother role. The weekdays were easy. The weekends were the difficult ones, especially so this weekend. Our brand new flat screen LCD TV went blank as I was watching it on Saturday afternoon and we survived the rest of the weekend without a TV. I've never imagined it would be so difficult to pass time without it. It was especially difficult in the afternoon when Dominic was taking his nap. I would usually have the TV on (even if I wasn't watching it) just so that I get some noise in the house. Today, I turned on the iPod instead, but every song seemed to make me nostalgic - they didn't bring back any memories but a certain feeling ... and loneliness followed. I wished I could watch "Everybody Loves Raymond" instead and have a good laugh.

And then it is this time of the day - between 9pm and 11pm - when Dominic has gone to bed that I most need some human interaction - even though in cyberspace. I have a new novel but I'm glad I left it in the office because I think reading it will only make me feel more emotional. :p

For several nights I was tempted to let Dominic sleep in my bed, but I didn't. However, last night at 1am, he screamed and when I rushed into his room he said "Mummy, switch on TV". I said "The TV is spoilt" and he screamed hysterically. I guessed THAT was his nightmare. He slept next to me for the rest of the night. It made both of us feel better, even though I didn't really sleep very well. Dominic's feet kept ending up on top of me - like he needed that to make sure that I was still beside him. The next morning I asked him why he cried. He said "Do-nic scared of monsters ... scared of dragons!". I have never told him that monsters and dragons were scary. I imagine he must have picked that up from the other kids at the nursery.

On something unrelated - we were at the playground this afternoon and Dominic was playing on a wooden "castle" that has a suspension bridge joining two "towers". A little girl (whom I later found out was the same age as Dominic) was at the foot of the bridge hesitating to step on as it was quite steep and shaky. Dominic was behind her waiting. Previously, he would have turned to me and say "Mummy, Do-nic wait for turn" but .today he yelled at the little girl "Come on! Come on!". He definitely picked that up from the other kids! He later became friends with the girl. :-)

This afternoon, we called daddy on the phone and had a little chat. After we hanged up, Dominic cried. :-( Five more days to go and we're both looking forward to it.

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