Monday, July 07, 2008


Choose the Sex of Your Baby - Part 1


I ordered this book from Amazon about 2 weeks ago and I finished reading it in just two days.  I've never found a non-fiction so interesting.  This book is written in a way that's easy to understand and engaging.  

How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby by Dr. Landrum Shettles is the standard reference for couples trying to increase their chances of having the son or daughter they hope for.  The methods laid out in the book is completely natural and scientifically justified.  There isn't any old wives' tale and it has anecdotal evidence that if applied properly, the Shettles method gives couples a 75% of better chance of conceiving the child of the desired sex.  But today, I'm not going to write about the method - you'll have to wait for part 2 for that. But if you're at all impatient, you can always google the method from the Internet, although that might not give you as much information as the book. 

There are bound to be people who object to sex selection because of religious or moral reasons.  In fact, some speculated that sex selection will result in a horrendous imbalance of surplus males.  Whatever it is, I skipped this chapter entirely because first of all I'm not going to try for another boy.  Secondly, I don't see anything wrong in trying to increase the chance of getting something you want.  It may be God's will that you get a boy or a girl or none at all but to me the scientific reasoning sounds more concrete and easier to grasp.  Finally, I'm not that religious a person. ;-)

Other than whether it's moral or not, I think the more important question is whether you're suited for sex selection.  Dr. Shettles urged couples to think before trying out the sex selection method.  He cautioned that no effort should be made to have a child using any sex selection method, unless the parents are quite sure they will be happy with a baby of either sex, since the current method is not without failures.  If you already have 3 boys example and the idea of having another boy will drive you mad, then Dr. Shettles urges you not to try at all.  I gave it some thought myself and decided that I'll be happy to have another boy - if I do fail to have a girl.  I completely understand that IF I follow the Shettles method by the book I might have a 75% chance of conceiving the daughter that I want but that is if I diligently follow the method - and let me tell you that it's rather tedious and time-consuming.  I am going to give it a try anyway and if I don't succeed, I don't mind having a 3rd child. :-)  I only wished that I read this book before I conceived Dominic because it seems the method for trying for a girl is harder than for a boy.  I suppose if I had tried for a girl first, I will have more buffer for failures.  And if at first I succeeded with a girl then it wouldn't be a problem to have a boy next (I guess) since it sounds much easier. 

"... no effort should be made to have a child using any sex selection method, unless the parents are quite sure they will be happy with a baby of either sex..."
So well put. I agree wholeheartedly, and am always trying to post in that spirit on my blogs about how to conceive a baby boy, or a baby girl! You are welcome to visit me and comment, of course!:)
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