Friday, June 13, 2008


Life is So Unfair


We hear that all the time, don't we? Especially when one has a friend who always ends up having better luck than one. But does anyone actually moan "Life is so unfair" when good things happen to them?

Today, I reflected on those months when I lived with my in-laws while daddy was away in the UK. I think those were not exactly the best times of my life and I often moaned and complained about how domineering my MIL was in terms of household matters. But today, I have a thought. My in-laws are fabulous. They are so caring and helpful and I feel blessed to be part of the "Chim" family rather than some "Lee" family with a nagging MIL. Yes, my MIL nags too but she has never scolded me or use any form of harsh words towards me.

Today, I also found out that a friend has won $39,000 on the TV game show "Deal or No Deal". Now, I say life is unfair! Haha!

Just a few days ago I heard someone saying that "You're least appreciated by the people closest to you". To a certain extent I think that's very true. It's only when they are not close to you anymore that you start to appreciate them.

My aunt recently wrote in her blog that the daughter of a friend passed away in a skiing accident and she's a doctor in Melbourne. And 2 years ago, her brother passed away in a car accident during his 3rd year medicine in Melbourne U. I don't know what to say. Perhaps life is just unfair.

I have another thought today. I want to be pregnant straight away, I don't care whether it's a boy or a girl. I am so ready. God, won't you help me please? I'm so worried after the previous miscarriage. You know, if my aunt's friend up there has more than two children, it wouldn't be that bad, right? After all, she'll still have other surviving kids. I know it's a sick thought but it just crossed my mind. For some reason that I will not go into right now, I think I'm hormonally imbalanced.

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