Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Strong as Iron


A few months ago (can't remember when exactly), my uncle invited me to join this family tree website called Geni (, and he also invited all of his brothers and sisters, their spouses and children, his cousins and their family, etc. Before I knew it, the entire 4 generations (or maybe 5) of my family were plotted in our family tree (I didn't even know I have so many relatives before this!).

Anyway, while signing up, I updated my profile with my name, DOB, etc, etc and while I was at it, I also added Saimun and Dominic to my little tree. I must have entered our wedding date as well because today I received 2 messages from my aunt and uncle wishing us Happy 6th Anniversary! According to Geni, we've just celebrated our *iron* year. In fact, I think we deserve more than iron because we had been living together for an awful long time before we got married and that ought to count, doesn't it? I don't mean awful awful but you get what I mean.

So after 6 years, I have to reflect on our relationship. First of all, I have to say my husband is a good catch. :-) Not because he's tall, dark and handsome and gorgeous, because he is not, but because of his heart and mind. I started dating him when we were both 20, and he was the most mature twenty-year-old I ever knew back then. I guess I would be attracted to older men because I like a mature and sensible mind, except that I didn't (and still don't) like old-looking men, so really he was quite perfect in that sense. I have to admit I fancied him first. Either he was very perceptive or I was damn good at giving out subtle signals and playing the seducing game without actually going all over him, and it was a really long story, but eventually we became an item.

We used to send each other loads of emails and I can still remember the time when I would be sooo looking forward to reading his emails, and I would also spend hours replying to them. By the way, I still keep all those emails and because it is our 6th wedding anniversary, I've gone and re-read some of them. The stuffs we told each other were so trivial and unimportant, such as what I ate for lunch today, how much it cost, what the stupid lecturer said and so on. However strange it may sound to some people, we hardly called each other on the phone, because remember he was (still is) a *sensible* person and he thought guys who call their girlfriends every night without fail are foolish and that they're setting themselves up for a lifetime of unreasonable expectations from their girlfriends (if they remain with the same girl in their lifetime). Besides, emails are free but phone calls aren't.

Anyway, 6 years down the road, we neither call nor email each other anymore. Even if I had wanted to, there was nothing to talk about. I don't want to tell him what I ate for lunch or how much it cost (but if one of my colleagues say or did something stupid I'll be sure to tell him about it). My point is, we're now a boring couple who doesn't do anything interesting anymore (not that we used to anyway,we just spent most our time studying in the library). We hardly even hold hands anymore when we go out, but that's only because one of us needs to push the buggy. Lengthy conversations are non-existent - but that's okay because we understand each other without saying much and he's probably the only person whom I can be with in silence without feeling uncomfortable.

Six years down the road, I have become very dependent on him.

Six years down the road, he has become my friend.

Six years down the road, he has become very, very important to me - my family.

Happy anniversary to us!

Happy anniversary to you too! This is so sweet.
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