Monday, February 09, 2009


KL Diary - Mobile Phones

Every year, I will need to get a new SIM card because the old one will expire if I don't top up within 30 days (or 60 days or whatever it is) - a prepaid SIM card that is. This year, Maxis has launched Hotlink 365, i.e. RM33 subscription fee to keep the line activated for 365 days. And so we subscribed to Hotlink 365 and next year my number shall not change. Now, my MIL is using the number so please don't try calling me. :p

While we were at the mobile phone shop, daddy enquired about 'SIM unlock'. He has collected many mobile phones now since the contract he signed up with the mobile operator entitles him to a new phone each year. So now, his dad has a *new* phone and so does his mum. While we were at it, we asked about iPhone SIM unlock as well. Now, the 'guy' told us that it will cost RM300 to unlock an iPhone 3G. And in case you forgot, I bought an iPhone 3G about a month ago and sold it to my brother-in-law. He successfully cracked it and is now very proud of himself *grin*. He is now thinking he might have a side business going for him.

Now, the question is should I get another iPhone for myself? I like it but it's not a necessity.

Speaking of phone numbers again, I noticed that almost half of my friends have changed their mobile number (apparently they wanted to save money by moving to a cheaper mobile provider). I made the mistake of SMS-ing them instead of calling (because I wanted to save money too - SMS is cheaper :p) and then only realized much later that they have changed their number when they didn't reply. I wonder when Malaysians can keep their number even when they move to another service provider, like in the UK. Speaking of that, I came across a 'U-Mobile' booth at Mid Valley and my brother told me that it's a new mobile provider and I think it allows you to keep your number when you switch. Does anyone know anything about this?

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