Friday, April 23, 2010
Ain't He Adorable Too?
In this picture, he looks like he's 3 instead of 4+ ... so innocent and cute. In the flesh, he has grown so much even his feet don't look small and cute now. But still, he behaves like a baby sometimes, especially during bed time. I guess he gets a little bit envious that his sister gets to sleep near us while he is in another bed across the room. He would ask, "Who can take care of me?", which is to say, "who will sleep next to him?". Haha. Sometimes I will crawl into his bed after Emily falls asleep and lie down with him for a while.
I cannot believe that his school gave him Ejaan, Spelling and 'Ting Sie'. Such a young kid and he has to learn to spell already. I'm not even sure if it's necessary. Nowadays, we have spell-check, don't we? Haha! Most of the time, it's only 3 words but still. He normally gets 1 out of 3 correct - which is in theory, a fail! But never mind, at least he didn't get a zero. I should blame myself first before I blame him because I think I was supposed to revise with him at home. The thing is, I wasn't even aware of it until he's had the spelling/ejaan/ting sie.
One positive outcome (out of many) from all these school stuffs is that he now enjoys 'homework' so much so that he asks to do his homework even though there isn't any, so we gave him activity and exercise books, and he really enjoys all of them. He now writes a lot of gibberish and asks us what the word is. I think he's still far behind most of the typical Malaysian kids in terms of academic but he's making steady progress. After all, it is tough to have to suddenly learn two extra languages. His 'bahasa' is getting quite good too. He can't yet converse in Bahasa but understands (and even spells) a few words.
Whether or not he wets his bed at night doesn't depend on him anymore, but on me instead. Which means he is still wetting his bed, unless I wake him up to wee. One early morning (around 5 or 6 am), he got up to pee and went back to sleep (shocking!). In the morning, we told him how good he was and gave him an ice-cream. The next day, he did it again and ASKED for an ice-cream afterwards. On the third day, I think he didn't want any ice-cream anymore, therefore he wet the bed. Haha!
According to MIL, he is very well-behaved when both Saimun and I are not around. He takes his nap in the afternoon (sometimes doesn't, such as yesterday) and eats his dinner all by himself without fuss. After living with his grandma and grandpa for 6 months, I still find him very attached to Saimun and I. Never once has he done a poo while we were away. He needs to wait for one of us to come home. He refuses to stay in the house with his grandma/grandpa on our non-working day and insists on going everywhere with us.
According to his teacher in school, he is 'very naughty and talkative'. I guess he's not the typical obedient kid. I wonder what she meant by 'naughty'. Is it mischiveous or plain bad? I didn't have a chance to ask because the teacher told my FIL when he sent Dom to school and I didn't hear it first hand.