Monday, March 10, 2008


I'm Not Only Chinese


Since EVERYONE is talking about the election, I have to blog about it too. ;-)

DAP's Fong Po Kuan said in her "ceramah" in SS2 (or something to that effect) - "When I was a child, my mother told me that I am a Chinese, they are Malays and they are Indians. When I grew up and applied for a place in the local University, I found out that I am not only a Chinese. I am also a non-Bumiputera. When I ventured into business, I found out that I am not only a Chinese and a non-Bumiputera. I am also a non-Muslim. Why? After 50 years of independence, why are we still so segregated? Do you get 7% discount when you buy a house? Why not?"

This is one of the many speeches that you will never watch on national TV or read in the newspapers, but thanks to the Internet it is there for all to see. In fact, they are saying that Bloggers play a large part in the outcome of the recent general election.

When I heard the speech above, I thought "how true ...". And then I realized that I am not only a Chinese, a non-Bumiputera and a non-Muslim. I am also a pengkhianat. I have never voted before in the general election. Ten years ago, I was only 20 and too young to vote, but I registered as a voter anyway. Five years ago, I was 25 and had already moved out of my family home. It wasn't an excuse, I just didn't bother enough to drive back to my hometown to cast my vote. This year, needless to say, I've wasted my vote again.

Many consider the outcome of this election a victory - Chinese friends mainly. Some are impartial, but agree that it is a good change anyway. It is a gamble but at least there is a chance of succeeding. As our ex-PM Dr. Mahathir has put it - the people are voting against BN, they are not supporting the opposition. They have no choice. Some are fearful of the tension that it may cause. Fearful of the chaos. Some are accusing Mahathir of having a big hand in this election - in getting his supporters to throw out Badawi and bring in Najib - a sinister plot in reasserting his influence. Well, who knows what the truth is?

It will be an interesting term with a lot more arguments in the Parliament. It depends on whether you see argument as a good thing. At least it will be more democratic - I think.

Looks like Badawi will continue to be PM despite Mahathir hinting a thousand times for him to take 100% responsibility.

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