Monday, January 25, 2010


My 3-Month-Old


3-month-old Emily weighs 4.5kg as of yesterday and her platelet count is 117 - still on the low but at least it has been increasing steadily without any treatment.

My 3-month-old is extremely responsive and it's very easy to make her smile and laugh. Most of the time, all I needed to do was to put my face in front of hers and grin. She imitates me. When I smile, she smiles. When I laugh, she laughs too. When I talk to her, she coos back, and she enjoys this very much. It was hilarious to see her talking to herself when I held up a mirror in front of her.

According to Dominic, "the baby is very, very cute". I said to him, "you're very, very cute too" and he replied, "my teacher said so too!". (More on Dominic later. Seriously, he is very, very cute).

Emily is still drinking the same amount of milk, i.e. approximately 125ml three times a day in my absence and every 3-4 hours when I'm around. Physically, she is not as strong as Dominic at the same age. By this age, Dominic could already do mini push-ups while lying on his stomach but Emily can barely lift up her head. She can hold her head steady while in a sitting position though.

3-month-old Emily has great suckling needs, particularly when she wants to sleep. We gave her the pacifier shortly after she turned 1 month old but she has learnt to suck her thumb instead. She can now find her thumb and put it inside her mouth, therefore when she awakes during the night, she puts herself back to sleep, which is good. I have mixed feelings between the pacifier and the thumb. Personally, I feel that I will have more control over her if she uses the pacifier, i.e. I can control how often she uses it, it's easier to make sure the pacifier is clean as compare to her hands, especially when she starts crawling/walking and I think it's easier to wean her off the pacifier as compared to her thumb as I can't throw her thumb away. Anyway, I don't think I have much of a choice right now. Many times, she spit out the pacifier and stuck her thumb in her mouth instead.

I forgot to mention that her height (or length) is currently 61cm. Many have told me that Emily will be tall (from her long limbs and fingers), however Dominic was taller at her age. Of course, Dom was much heavier and chubbier at her age too. Em's height is at the 50th percentile in the growth chart and I believe so was Dom. I used to be quite tall myself too when I was small but at a certain age, I stopped growing while my peers overtook me. I hope that's not the case with Em. :-)

Everywhere we went, we hear the same comments about Em, i.e. (1) Her eyes are so huge! and (2) She has so much hair! `

Last Friday, I witnessed for the first time Saimun giving Em a bath and I can now understand my MIL's fear. Haha! Em wasn't bothered at all, by the way, so I guess it's mother's thing. I told myself that there's just one more week to go (Saimun goes back to UK).

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