Monday, February 11, 2008


Fulfilling My Daily Quota


I meant to blog about our CNY celebrations this year but I've got all the photos still in the camera, so here's ranting about anything that pops into my head right now.

The one thing that I'm constantly reminded of is my nasty cough that had persisted for one week now. I think I've never coughed this badly for years, if I've ever coughed this badly at all before. My sides and my ribs now ache from too much coughing. I feel like reaching my fingers into my throat to scratch it. I've finished one whole bottle of cough mixture and tried tips advised by friends - from sucking on Strepsils to gargling with salt water but I don't think any of those help although they did provide temporary relief.

Between the three of us in the family, we drank about 3 bottles of cough syrup. Daddy was the first one to catch it ... or was it Dominic? In any case, the both of them caught it first and then later passed it on to me. Daddy has almost recovered. Dominic is still coughing mildly. And me ... I don't even want to talk about it. Even reading a book to Dominic takes so much effort now. I have a 2-hour workshop to run tomorrow and I'm worried if I'm able to go through it without coughing violently with every sentence that I speak.

Another thing that crossed my mind while I was showering last night was the concept of eternity. If you could be immortal and if you could spend eternity - I mean never ending eternity - with your loved ones, would you be happier? I imagine that Dominic, daddy and I turn immortal this very instant - we stay 30 years old forever and Dominic stays 2 forever, never growing up, never growing old - how will that be like? I suppose physically we don't age but we get wiser over the centuries and Dominic continues learning to talk, read, write, etc so given time he'll be the cleverest 2-year-old on earth. Haha! But my point is ... how long can you live with a person before you get bored and tired of him/her? They always say "I'll love you till eternity", but can you really? I don't know. I figure life like that - if it can be called life at all - will be pretty tiring. After a hundred years or so, can you still look into each other's eyes and feel the attraction? Haha! I guess I've been reading too much science fiction lately.

Alright now, I guess it's time for lunch. Speaking of lunch, this reminds me of the piece of news I read in the newspapers today. It seems that ratcatchers now have to use curry chicken and kebabs to trap rats because the rats are becoming fussy. Traditional rat food such as grains don't work anymore. Amazing. Even vermins are getting more sophisticated these days.

And oh yeah ... there was a huge fire at Camden Market last Saturday. It looked really bad and it took more than 100 firefighters to put out the fire. It's hard to believe the market doesn't exist anymore. We went there once during our early days in London: I wonder what's left of it now.

Finally, two things that I'm happy about today:

  1. I'm happy that it has been sunny and dry for the past few days.
  2. I'm happy that although the cough is still bad, it is gradually getting better.

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