Monday, June 01, 2009


More Dreams ...


In my dream, I had important news or information. What it was, I can't remember, but the one person that I wanted to tell it to was girl friend, SH, and I wanted to talk to her in private. She lives in the US, so that means a long distance call. I was back at my brother's place (I used to live there when mum was still alive). I desperately wanted to be left alone so that I could make the phone call, but some people won't leave me alone - I think they were my brother and sister, but I'm not sure. I tried to lock the door to my room but it didn't work. I shouted at them to get lost. I never did make that call because there was always something holding me back - someone interrupting, some distraction or other. It was frustrating because the thing that I wanted was unreacheable.


This time it was about a cockroach. Before I continue, I think you should know that I'm terrified of this dirty, disgusting insect. I haven't seen one in a long time because there seem to be none in London. Anyway, in the dream I was at a relative's house - I don't know whose. It didn't look familiar but it felt familiar. It was an old place. Sort of dirty. So naturally, there would be cockroaches. We were in the bedroom - Dominic, Saimun and I - when someone exclaimed that there were cockroaches in the kitchen. "Kill them and keep them away from me", I said. After that, things became fuzzy and the next thing I saw was Dominic in the bathroom holding a transparent plastic container (the type that you use to collect your urine sample), and there was a cockroach in it. Give it to me, I said. I was going to get rid of it but he held on tight and said he would like to play with it for "5 minutes". A moment later, he flung the container into the air and when it fell, the cap came loose. The cockroach was however still inside the container and I hurried to seal the container. Before I could reach it, it ran out of the container and disappeared. I felt a tinge of desperation ... and agony even ... not knowing where it had gone and thinking that it can come back anytime and scare me out of my skin.

Should I be bothered that all of my dreams are less than happy? Well, not all actually. I had pleasant dreams too, but the unpleasant ones tend to be more vivid. Like I said before, happiness is an acquired taste and once you get used to it, you hardly notice it anymore and expect things to be pleasant, but despair hits you hard everytime, each time more painful than the last, no matter how many times you've been hit.

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