Sunday, September 14, 2008


Twilight Movie Trailers


This is going to bore some of you, especially if you have no idea what I'm talking about but for those who are interested, here goes.

Twilight movie trailers can be found here:

Generally, I'm quite happy with the cast and they live up to my imagination. Edward looks a bit scarier than he should be but I guess I'll have to see the whole movie to really judge that. The rest of the cast look like what I've imagined, except for Rosalie, Jasper and Laurent. Rosalie was supposed to VERY beautiful but the actress (whoever she is) doesn't live up to that expectation (in my opinion). Jasper is so boyish and looks younger than he should be. And where in the book did it say that Laurent is black? After looking at the cast, I think Carlisle is the most dashing one - absolutely, absolutely gorgeous. In the 4th book, Breaking Dawn, Carlisle was described as "looking like Zeus's younger better-looking brother", although I have no idea what Zeus looked like.

From the trailers, it seems they have shot the fighting scene at the dance studio, which was never described in the book. In it, I caught glimpses of Bella being still concious and aware when Edward and the rest came to the rescue, which was not true at all. She was supposed to unconcious and dying and unaware of what happened. I get really annoyed when the film production deviates from the original story.

And also, this scene where Bella asked Edward: "How old are you?". "Seventeen". "How long have you been seventeen?" "A while." This ... was supposed to happen in the car but in the trailer, it happened in a forest. Again, how much of the movie will be different from the original story?

In the lab, Bella and Edward sat in the middle row. There were people to their left and right, not by the window as shown in the trailer. Plus, Bella wore a tatty old sweater to bed, not a sexy singlet. Hmm ...

The movie is due to release on 21 Nov 2008. Although I anticipate it but not enough to make me head straight to the cinema. Instead, I'll get to it when it's available elsewhere, be it in DVD, illegal download (*grin*) or on TV.

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