Tuesday, September 16, 2008


What's New?


Last weekend was rather sunny and warm. Although not warm enough that I was comfortable to leave the house without a jumper, it was considered good British weather. Daddy arrived home around 10am on Saturday and we spent the morning happily going through our souvenirs. There were more toys for Dominic and clothes for all of us. Clothes in the US are really, really cheap! Osh Kosh jeans for DOminic - £6, denim jacket - £6, t-shirt - £1!!! Recently, for my nephew's 1st birthday, I engaged a "professional shopper" in Singapore to get him a set of outfit - a shirt, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes. I initially set a budget of S$100, which I thought was enough considering the price I paid here for Dominic's clothes. But the bill came up to S$120.

On Saturday, Dominic and I went to feed our beloved ducks and geese while daddy prepared for his driving. He flunked the first test and this was his 2nd one. Can you believe someone who's been driving in Malaysia for more than 10 years flunked a driving test in the UK? Haha! No wonder they say Malaysian drivers are the worst in the world. Fortunately, this time round, he passed! So we celebrated that night with heavy dinner.

Yesterday, I started a new project at work - moved to a new location, new building, new desk, new team, new faces - all the faces that I've never seen before - new names to remember. Coincidentally, the Senior Product Development Manager that I'm working with now has the same name as my son. As usual, work is never too difficult nor too much for me (Hehe!). I have 2 weeks to deliver and looking at things, that should be more than enough time. I love my job, but really for the wrong reasons.

Daddy and I discussed about going home (to Malaysia). It was a short discussion but I can see where he's coming from. He wants to go home - eventually. He has reached his objective - he got his promotion and it's time to move on. He agreed that the situation back home is saddening but he doesn't think it will affect us very much. We're just normal people, he said. But what about our kids, I asked. He said they'll be alright - you know it because you grew up there as well. In a way, I tend to agree with him on this. On the other hand, do I want my kids to belong no where in 20 years time? Citizens of Malaysia but also an "immigrant"? A "pendatang"? If you are a British citizen, you're treated the same regardless of whether you're white, black or even purple. I don't know. It's a tough decision and not one that I can make on my own. I know daddy is right - life will go on despite the political turmoil. Almost anything can be solved with money and if you just live in the moment and don't care about the future, you'll be alright. I've said it time and time again, it's my kids' future that bothers me. But that too can be resolved with money.

I think even with promotion, he should stay on a few years to get more exposure in this new status.
Malaysia... Although Sai Mun is right to say we grew up there too, but back then, the political scene isn't as unstable as it is now. And don't get me started on the safety & security. Everytime I go back, I get edgy whenever I need to drive out to run my errands. Yes, I'm a little paranoid but I think it's really better to be safe than sorry.

So, in my opinion, if you can be away, stay away. I know it sounds unpatriotic, but really, think about your kids' future.
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