Friday, November 07, 2008


Describing Myself


I am a person with very little passion. My hobbies are many and varied but I am not particularly enthusiastic in any of them. I am passionate about my son but sometimes think that he is a nuisance. I am not what you would normally call a passionate wife.

As a mother, I am stern, impatient and relatively rigid but have few rules. I neither restrict my son's diet nor the activities he participates in. As a wife, I cannot be of lower maintenance than I already am.

I am impatient and like to get things done quickly. I have learnt to slow down over the years and often remind myself that there is no reason to be in a hurry.

I like to draw a distinction between 'dislike' and 'hate'. I can eat food that I dislike. People whom I dislike will not know that I dislike them. On the contrary, people whom I hate will definitely know that I dislike them. I am direct with my words and do not know how to be diplomatic. I do not like to drop hints. I often offend people because of this.

I am very selective when it comes to company. I have many friends but only a few whom I can connect with on a one to one basis. I would rather go shopping on my own if my best mate is not available. I am not a sociable person and I do not like crowds. I feel uncomfortable with people who are overly affectionate or those who compliment excessively. I also do not feel comfortable giving compliments because it feels soppy. If I do, I really, really do meant it.

I dislike people who are ostentatious. I have been told that I have very strong power of observation when it comes to people. I can easily tell when someone is trying to impress. I also dislike people who jump to conclusions and assume that they know it all and that they are always right. I dislike people who talk a lot, particularly salesmen. At this very moment, I am unable to think of anyone that I hate

I like people who are down to earth and humble, and people who are straight forward and honest in their opinions. I like people who can make snap decisions and do not dwell on petty details. I like people who are able to see another person's point of view and not force their opinions on others.

I try to instill in myself the characteristics that I like. I think I am down to earth but only humble to certain people in certain situations. I cannot be humble in front of loud-mouths who brag. I am no doubt straight forward and honest in my opinions, and not many people like that. I hate dwelling on details but I also dislike spontaneity and disruption to my original plans.

I like to plan. I have plans for almost everything but have difficulty sharing the plans with people who will be involved. I tend to execute those plans on my own, which shows a lack of leadership quality in me.

I dislike the old me 10-15 years ago. I think I was naive, proud, stubborn and misguided. I now understand why my aunts disapproved of the way I dressed, why I was often lectured by my uncles and why my grandmother used to nag me endlessly. That should have been my parents' job but I was not fortunate enough to have good parental guidance.

I also like to draw a distinction between 'don't care' and 'don't care much'. I don't care much about the politics and the world but that doesn't mean I don't care at all. I wish the best for the world and sympathize about the people who died but like most things, I have very little passion for it. If anyone asked me how I feel about Obama being the president, my answer would be a single word "Good". Because I'm trying to be funny here, I would like to add that I think the name Obama sounds like a terrorist.

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