Sunday, November 02, 2008


Mothers HAVE To Nag


I had wanted to blog about Dominic's Halloween today but the truth is I've got a couple of photos of him looking ever so adorable in his vampire cloak, taken using my very sophisticated new "Smartphone", and I couldn't get them out of the stupid phone. I was supposed to have so many options: (1) To upload it to Flickr directly, but the wi-fi had suddenly stopped working and I don't know why, (2) To e-mail it to myself, but since the wi-fi didn't work this option was out too and (3) To transfer it to my laptop via Bluetooth but I discovered that my laptop doesn't have a Bluetooth device! If I had taken the photos using my old phone, the infra-red could have worked just fine but these sophisticated so-called 'smart' phones don't come with infra-red because it is 'old technology' and 'less efficient' and 'doesn't add value'. Right. Anyway, there is still another option, i.e. cable transfer, and let's hope that works.

So instead of blogging about Halloween, I'm going to talk about what happened on Friday night when for once in a blue moon, Daddy (instead of me) tucked Dominic into bed. It all went well, and we all went to bed soon after Dominic did.

At 6am, from Dominic's room came: "Mummy, I wanna do wee-wee! Mummy, I wanna do wee-wee!". Feeling rather surprised and still half-asleep, I said to him, "Wee in your diaper, you're wearing diaper right?" But of course, he wasn't wearing any because Daddy had forgotten to put it on for him. I know, my friends told me that I should say more good things about Daddy but honestly, this is so classic of him. And DO NOT tell me that at least he tucked Dominic into bed and make it sound like it is my job and that he's doing me a favour by helping out.

Dominic already had his pants off by the time I got to him and he quickly went to the toilet and did a huge pee, and I thought, hey this is cool, maybe he can be completely out of nappies pretty soon ... until I realized he also already did half of it in the bed.

Because it was such a pain to have to change the sheets when all I wanted to do was to get back into bed, I said to him why don't you sleep with daddy and mummy instead but to my surprise he said no. He said no! He never said no when offered to sleep in mummy's bed but this time he had to insist that I change his sheets! Well, at least he went back to sleep immediately after that without any fuss - I guess I should be thankful for that.

Finally, to be fair to daddy, there are indeed many good things that I can say about him and perhaps one day I'll sit down and list them out. But one thing I've known a long time ago - he made me a better person. One day, I'll tell you why. :-)

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