Friday, November 28, 2008


Some People


As many of you would already know, I have a TV on my work desk because of the nature of my job. So today, my TV was tuned in to the Jeremy Kyle show on ITV 2 and today's guests were husband and wife where the husband accused the wife of sleeping around while married to him and suspected that their child was not his. The title read "6 potential fathers to one baby".

Jeremy: Do you feel anything wrong about sleeping with 10 men while being married?

Woman: (Expression impartial) Not when I wasn't happy.

Jeremy: So you slept with Callum while married to him? (pointing to husband). (Then he turned to husband and asked) Have you met Callum?

Husband: No.

Jeremy: Well, this is Callum.

(Callum walked on stage while the audience applauded)

Jeremy: Did you know about her husband?

Callum: No, I thought he was just a boyfriend or something.

Jeremy: So how do you feel about having casual unprotected sex?

Callum: I don't. I mean, I carry a condom and I ask the lady if she would like me to use it.

Jeremy: You do realize that there may be dozens of kids that you've fathered out there.

Callum: Yeah, could be.

Jeremy: And what do you think about that?

Callum: It's just something that happens.

Jeremy: All your kids out there, whether they exist or not, who is supporting them?

Callum: The government.

(Audience groans loudly), and by this point I couldn't help but make a face at Callum. And you know what, he isn't even good looking!

Some people ...

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