Friday, April 11, 2008


24 Hours


The other day, I took Dominic grocery shopping. As we approached the Asda store there was a huge sign on the building that says "24 Hours". To my surprise, Dominic pointed at the sign and exclaimed "Two! Four!". To be honest, I really didn't expect it. After that video clip - the one that generated a gazillion comments - I've not shown Dominic any numbers anymore. I didn't realize he still remembers.

Dominic is a cheeky little monkey now. He likes to ask mummy to buy juice, buy medicine (what he meant was vitamins), buy eggs (his favourite food) and buy milk. When mummy tries to frown at him he'll laugh and say that mummy is funny.

Oh ... and he finally knows his colours now. He knows blue, green, red, orange, purple, pink, white and black. He sometimes gets brown and yellow too but those two are obviously not his favourite color.

I'm glad that I keep a blog and that I write all these down. Just the other day, my cousin asked me how old was Dominic when he started eating cheese because she thinks that her son is too young to take dairy products. I couldn't remember but after checking with my blog I could tell her the answer was 8 months old!

I only wish that I started blogging when I was pregnant with Dominic, not after I had him. I am currently suffering no morning sickness with my current pregnancy. In fact, I don't feel any symptoms at all that I felt when I was pregnant with Dominic. I'm not especially tired, my appetite has not grown or changed and I don't have that tight feeling in my stomach. I'm not sure if that's normal because I can't remember when I started to have those symptoms with Dominic.

Besides, I can't remember anymore what food I should be avoiding. I was reading loads of pregnancy books and magazines when I was pregnant with Dominic but I don't have the urge to do that now. I guess you get a bit less excited about your 2nd and so forth pregnancies. I can recall that I should avoid tuna (because of the mercury content), peanuts (because of possible allergy), sausages and burgers (because they are processed meat low in nutrients) and ... that's about it. The other day, I was about to spread honey on my toast when daddy asked if I could have honey. I remember that honey is a no-no for infant below 1 year old but I can't remember if it's a no-no for pregnant woman too. But there is one forbidden food that I will never forget. My mother-in-law used to pump me with lots of "pau sam" when I was pregnant with Dominic. I didn't know what it could do to me - the books never mentioned that, and besides my sister-in-law had tonnes of it too and she had two babies without any problems. Imagine my horror when my platlette level dropped so low that I had to be put on steroids.

Dominic still asks me to carry him at times and I feel like I need a very good back massage. Does anyone know if a pregnant woman can have a body massage?

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