Wednesday, September 17, 2008


102? How Bad Is That?


At about 11:30am yesterday, I received a call from Dominic's nursery telling me that he had a temperature around 99 Fahrenheit. How many degree celcius was that? I faintly recalled from watching cantonese dramas that it was only bad when the temperature reached over a hundred. Well, I guessed I had time to finish my work quickly and then pick Dominic up. Of all days, he had to fall ill on a day that I actually had work in the office.

12:45pm, I was ready to leave. I gave the nursery one last call to make sure that he wasn't already taking his afternoon nap, or else I would pick him up after he woke up. I was told to come as soon as possible because his temperature had gone up to 102 Fahrenheit and normally he would have to be sent to the hospital already. 102 F? Hospital? I knew anything above 100 F was bad but what's 102? Was it 39 C? 40 C? I had already turned off my laptop or else I would google it immediately.

Anyway, when I saw Dominic at the nursery, I was instantly relieved. No matter how high his temperature was, he was obviously fine. He was talkative and his voice was as loud as usual, telling me - "Mummy, Dominic sleep in the quiet room", "Mummy, where's my shoe?", Mummy, give me sweets". When I took his temperature at home, it was only 38.5 C - definitely a fever but he was still alert and playful. And I also found out that 102 F is only 38.9 C.

He threw up after drinking his milk yesterday afternoon. This ALWAYS happened when he was sick and I ALWAYS forgot and made the same mistake. I shall remember from now - no milk when he is sick. Any other food was alright but not milk. He took a long afternoon nap and when he woke up, the first thing he wanted was dinner! He ate two bowls of noodles and wanted more.

Anyway, he was still hot this morning so I decided to stay home with him today and took a day off work. He ate as usual, played as usual. He kept asking for his milk and finally at 2pm today, I gave it to him. He didn't throw up, which means (hopefully) he has recovered.

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