Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ideas Please ...


I'm looking for good books to feed my soul and imagination. The books that I got from the library recently were all crap. Was I looking at the wrong section? Why did I always end up with some lame murder investigation that was utterly predictable? It was worse when it wasn't predictable - like the killer would be some random stranger that wasn't even mentioned until the end. Besides, I don't want to read about the miserable reality of life anymore. We all know that there are sick psychos and desperate single women who are getting old out there. I want to read to escape from reality ... to a happy place I can call my Utopia. I guess that's why I like "Young Adult" fictions. I want to read about love rather than lust. Romance rather than sex. Hope rather than despair. Beautiful and attractive people rather than ageing 40-year-olds. I actually like to believe that Superman actually exists to make the world a better place. :-)

You know, for many many years now, I've been unable to find another writer who can devise plots as wonderful as Sidney Sheldon. So suggestions, anyone? I think I might give Neil Gaiman another try. I enjoyed his previous book but he was too abstract I had no idea what he was getting at. His stories don't have endings. You make the conclusion yourself - which was really frustrating. Or maybe it was just that one book I happened to pick up, hence I'm going to give it another try. It's funny that ALL of the people I spoke to in the office DON'T like fantasy fiction. They're always so serious, and realistic and ... the guys mostly don't like fiction at all.

Try Steve Berry - Alexandria Link
Jeffrey Deaver - Lincoln Rhyme series (thriller/murder)
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