Friday, September 19, 2008


Not Exactly The Best Night


Dominic started acting yesterday evening around bath time - whining, uncooperative, refused to wash his hair, crying, etc. When it was time for bed, he kept complaining about his itchy ass. I scratched, patted, looked and applied cream but he still insisted that there was something wrong with his buttocks. I was pretty sure it was just a trantrum He didn't have an itchy when he was playing or reading - why did it only come when it was bedtime? So I ignored him.

He was just whining - "mummeee .... mummeee ...". At first. And then daddy stepped in and spoke to him - I don't know what. But after a while he walked out and closed the door and Dominic started screaming in there. Hysterically. As usual I stepped in and then after much crying he fell asleep at 10pm.

11:00pm - more crying, but he was still exhausted so he went back to sleep pretty soon.

But at 12:00am, he woke up again, crying like he was really annoyed, kicking his blanket and all. Daddy wanted to bring him into our bed but I said no. I calmed him down with some milk and a little pacifying and he went back to sleep.

2:30am - it happened again. This time, I scolded him (in a whisper though since it was late). He knew that I was scolding him since his whining turned into loud cries. He cried for about 1 minute, fell asleep and slept till morning. Sometimes this boy needs to be dealt with harshly.

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