Friday, November 28, 2008
Some People
As many of you would already know, I have a TV on my work desk because of the nature of my job. So today, my TV was tuned in to the Jeremy Kyle show on ITV 2 and today's guests were husband and wife where the husband accused the wife of sleeping around while married to him and suspected that their child was not his. The title read "6 potential fathers to one baby".
Jeremy: Do you feel anything wrong about sleeping with 10 men while being married?
Woman: (Expression impartial) Not when I wasn't happy.
Jeremy: So you slept with Callum while married to him? (pointing to husband). (Then he turned to husband and asked) Have you met Callum?
Husband: No.
Jeremy: Well, this is Callum.
(Callum walked on stage while the audience applauded)
Jeremy: Did you know about her husband?
Callum: No, I thought he was just a boyfriend or something.
Jeremy: So how do you feel about having casual unprotected sex?
Callum: I don't. I mean, I carry a condom and I ask the lady if she would like me to use it.
Jeremy: You do realize that there may be dozens of kids that you've fathered out there.
Callum: Yeah, could be.
Jeremy: And what do you think about that?
Callum: It's just something that happens.
Jeremy: All your kids out there, whether they exist or not, who is supporting them?
Callum: The government.
(Audience groans loudly), and by this point I couldn't help but make a face at Callum. And you know what, he isn't even good looking!
Some people ...
Organize Your Recipes
For many years, I've kept recipe books that I've bought and recipes that I've collected from magazines and the Internet in a scrapbook. I had even migrated some of my recipe books all the way from Malaysia when I first came to London about 3 years ago. Although hard copy recipes worked fine for me, there were a few things I was looking for to improve the way I organize my meals - especially when I cook everyday.
- I have wished often enough that I could do a search on my recipes based on ingredients that I have. For example, if I've bought a tub of creme fraiche and used 2 tablespoons for one dish and would like to make use of the remaining. Or if I have a jar of tomato puree which is expiring soon.
- Next, I would like my recipes stored in a place that will never get lost.
- And I would like the ability to access the recipes from anywhere. I often prepare my shopping list in the office (when I've got nothing much to do) and then head off to Tesco nearby and would like the ability to refer to my recipes via the Internet.
- Finally, I would like the ability to share those recipes with my friends and family.
So for the past few weeks (or months), I have been re-producing the dishes in my recipe books, snapped a photo of each before we gobbled it up and then uploaded them on to this website together with the recipes.
It wasn't much work since I had to cook anyway. I just had to remember not to start chomping before I snapped the photo. Anyway, I'll be adding to the archive on a daily basis.
Monday, November 24, 2008
On 8-Nov-2008, the Saturday following Bonfire Night, we went into town to watch the fireworks display, followed by dinner at a Korean restaurant nearby. We had this really delicious dish called 'Dak Gal Bi' which is barbecued chicken in spicy Korean chilli sauce. The dish was cooked in front of us and it looked really simple. There was raw chicken, pepper, onions and topped with a heap of red chilli paste, and you just let it cook in an iron cast pan, stirring it once in a while. And so it looked so simple, I searched for the recipe on the Internet as soon as we got home and discovered the key ingredient to that dish - the Gochujang sauce or Korean chilli sauce. If anyone of you know where I can get this in London and what it looks like, so that I have an idea what I'm looking for, can you please let me know? :-)
Dak Gal Bi was so good that even though it was rather spicy, Dominic ate a lot of it, after which his face and ears turned bright red! If you have kids who don't like drinking water, the best way is to feed them spicy food because then I can guarantee you they'll drink lots of it!
On another note, I think it is such a pleasure to dine out with Dominic these days. He's always so well-behaved (I hope I don't jinx it by saying this!), he knows exactly what he wants and he orders it and best of all, he actually eats. Nowadays, he always asks for spaghetti regardless of where we go - Chinese restaurant, English or Italian. But when spaghetti is not available, he'll eat whatever is served.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
My Day
Since YL wrote about her labour experience 3 years ago, I am inspired to relate my story too. However, mine is pretty uneventful and quick - thank God for that!
One thing worth noting and that not many people do was that I picked a date to be induced - not because of any medical needs but because I wanted my baby to be born before the year ended. As soon as the doctor told me that my baby was mature, I pointed my finger randomly at a date in the calendar - 22 Dec 2005, which was 2 weeks earlier than the EDD.
In the morning of 21 Dec 2005, the doctor did a swap at the cervix hoping that labour would start later that day, but nothing happened. On the same day after dinner, I checked in to the hospital where I would "wait" for labour to start. A midwife inserted a pill into me but all through the night, I didn't feel the slightest contraction, not even mild cramping.
At 9am on 22 Dec 2005, I was led to the labour room where I had my waters broken by the doctor and was put on drip. Then, the contractions came - strong and regular about every 3 mins - the only type of contractions I've ever felt. For the next 3 hours, I did nothing and spoke nothing to Saimun who was sitting quietly at the corner, except to stare at the clock above me ... counting every 3 mins when the contraction would come. Midwives checked on me every now and then and one offered me local anesthetic. I took it and after that I "slept" - my eyes closed but not actually asleep.
Shortly before 12pm, 2-3 midwives came in to set me up, saying it was time. Huh? Then the doctor came in and he asked if I had the urge to push. Actually, I didn't and I think I was still half asleep from the anesthetic. But anyway, I did about 3 pushes and everytime the midwife said I wasn't pushing right. She said "Your face is red but you're not pushing", but she didn't actually teach me how to do it. Then the doctor said "Relax your legs". He said only those 3 words and I understood immediately what he meant. It was amazing how I connected with my gynae. :-) And so I pushed and shot pee all over the place. Hahaha! I think it took less than 5 pushes and Dominic was out. The doctor held him up like a trophy and I noticed that he was slightly blue. I only had 3 hours of labour.
Dominic's eyes were wide open - very, very alert but when I talked to him, there was no response. He just stared at me, stared at everything, stared at nothing, not blinking. He didn't response at all when I put him to the breast. By now, he wasn't so blue anymore and his feet were so, so, so cute! I know many of you would think that the pain was unbearable and it's not fair for women to have to endure this but believe it or not, I would love to go through it all again. :-)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Halloween 2008
Okay, I've finally managed to get the pictures out of the phone. I swear I will not take any photos using that phone again.
Halloween fell on Oct 31 and since it was a Friday I was at work when Dominic went trick or treating with his teachers and classmates. Daddy bought him a vampire cloak, devil ears and a monster mask, which he wore on the vampire cloak. When we tried to get him to put it on at home, he refused to, but that evening when I picked him up from the nursery, he insisted NOT to take it off - he simply loved it and was wearing the cloak for the next 2 days. Maybe it had something to do with this loot that he collected during trick or treat.
Children knocked on our doors that night, as expected. This was my 3rd Halloween since I got here. The first time round, I had no idea and when somebody rang the doorbell I opened the door and got a horrible shock when a bunch of kids in skeleton masks shouted "Trick or Treat!" at me. I had to send them away because I really had nothing for them, but they didn't "trick" me.
The second time round, I totally forgot about it until the day itself so again we didn't prepare anything. This time were living in a flat and when someone knocked on the door, we just pretended that no one was home. Haha!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Videos of Dominic Singing
- Having a conversation over breakfast, Oct 25 2008
- Baa Baa Black Sheep, the improved version, Oct 25 2008
- Twinkle Twinkle (Chocolate Version), Oct 25, 2008
- Incy Wincy Spider, Oct 25 2008
- The Little Ducks, Oct 25 2008
Sunday, November 09, 2008
End of Year Checkpoint
Less than 2 months before the year ends and I think it's time to give my 2008 new year resolutions an evaluation.
(1) I said I was going to eat healthier and exercise more. Alright. I now eat home cooked food all the time, with organic and free range ingredients whenever possible. However, on the topic of exercise, I think I need to work a little bit harder. It was going well until recently when the weather got so cold and I just wouldn't get out of bed until I absolutely had to. I would mark this as 70% achieved.
(2) I said I was going to go to bed earlier, ideally at 10:30pm. Sometimes, it happened and sometimes (like today) it didn't. I would mark this as 50% achieved.
And because it is already 30 mins past my intended bed time, it is time for me to log off now.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Living Life to the Fullest - Part 2
Recently, I ran a post asking what it means to live life to the fullest. I received some pretty interesting answers.
It means doing things that I won't regret later
Or the way I interpret it, it can also mean doing things that I won't regret NOT doing later, or not doing things that I would regret later. So a few days ago when I saw this Michael Kors shoulder bag that I really like (and it was on 50% discount), I decided to get it despite the rather heavy price tag because I knew that if I don't, I will regret it later. :p
On the other hand, when I was craving for a Magnolia ice-cream yesterday, I decided NOT to get it because I know I WILL regret it later if I do. So far, I think remembering this concept helps me deal with decisions a little easier. :-D
It's about being nice to people
To be honest, there aren't many people here who I can be nice to, except my family members, my colleagues and strangers. So the other day, when someone stopped me in the street to preach me about Christianity, I stopped to listen and I spoke to him, while normally I would hurry off, excuse being I have no time. I told him that I'm not a Christian but I'm contemplating to be one (in fact I've been attending weekday service every Thursday for the past 3 weeks) and I could clearly see that I have made his day by saying so. It really felt good to make someone happy.
It's about enjoying my work
I have mixed feelings about my job. I can't say that I love it but it's by far the best job I've ever had. I can't point my finger at what's missing but I've taken a positive step forward and told my boss that I'd like to expand my role beyond business analysis and be involved in project management as well. By doing so, I have indirectly volunteered myself into a new project. We'll see how it goes and if I enjoy my work more after that.
It means to try not to think too much
This is a really very interesting thought and one that caught my attention immediately. I think it is good advice but not something that can be achieved easily. I was recently feeling rather low about the weakening pounds sterling but now I understand that there's nothing I can do about it, it's only material and I've got enough money. I have also decided not to think about whether I'll have another kid (or another miscarriage) or if I do, whether it will be a girl. And with that, I have decided to abandon the Shettles method for conceiving a girl and let nature deal with it. I really believe this will help me deal with the disappointment if I am ever going to be 3rd time unlucky.
It is about doing crazy things like climbing Mount Kinabalu or taking Thai cooking classes in Bangkok
Believe me when I say climbing Mount Kinabalu is the last thing in my list of to-dos. If I am ever going to do something interesting, it must involve my whole family. I'm currently doing some research and if Saimun is cool with it, we will go ahead. On the other hand, cooking classes would be something I will consider if I find something suitable.
It is about speding time with loved ones and be happy with life
My life is not complete and if I were to answer the question carefully and truthfully, I have to admit that what I really want is a home where I truly belong - something I never truly had as a child, to be honest. If I were to achieve that in the short term, the best possible way is to move back to Malaysia. And with that, I now know that I have to go back. It is just a matter of time. I know many will think that I've made the wrong decision, but how can anyone know that in MY current situation, MY current circumstances, what is right for me? It is about living my life to the fullest.
Below, the Michael Kors bag I just received today.
Describing Myself
I am a person with very little passion. My hobbies are many and varied but I am not particularly enthusiastic in any of them. I am passionate about my son but sometimes think that he is a nuisance. I am not what you would normally call a passionate wife.
As a mother, I am stern, impatient and relatively rigid but have few rules. I neither restrict my son's diet nor the activities he participates in. As a wife, I cannot be of lower maintenance than I already am.
I am impatient and like to get things done quickly. I have learnt to slow down over the years and often remind myself that there is no reason to be in a hurry.
I like to draw a distinction between 'dislike' and 'hate'. I can eat food that I dislike. People whom I dislike will not know that I dislike them. On the contrary, people whom I hate will definitely know that I dislike them. I am direct with my words and do not know how to be diplomatic. I do not like to drop hints. I often offend people because of this.
I am very selective when it comes to company. I have many friends but only a few whom I can connect with on a one to one basis. I would rather go shopping on my own if my best mate is not available. I am not a sociable person and I do not like crowds. I feel uncomfortable with people who are overly affectionate or those who compliment excessively. I also do not feel comfortable giving compliments because it feels soppy. If I do, I really, really do meant it.
I dislike people who are ostentatious. I have been told that I have very strong power of observation when it comes to people. I can easily tell when someone is trying to impress. I also dislike people who jump to conclusions and assume that they know it all and that they are always right. I dislike people who talk a lot, particularly salesmen. At this very moment, I am unable to think of anyone that I hate
I like people who are down to earth and humble, and people who are straight forward and honest in their opinions. I like people who can make snap decisions and do not dwell on petty details. I like people who are able to see another person's point of view and not force their opinions on others.
I try to instill in myself the characteristics that I like. I think I am down to earth but only humble to certain people in certain situations. I cannot be humble in front of loud-mouths who brag. I am no doubt straight forward and honest in my opinions, and not many people like that. I hate dwelling on details but I also dislike spontaneity and disruption to my original plans.
I like to plan. I have plans for almost everything but have difficulty sharing the plans with people who will be involved. I tend to execute those plans on my own, which shows a lack of leadership quality in me.
I dislike the old me 10-15 years ago. I think I was naive, proud, stubborn and misguided. I now understand why my aunts disapproved of the way I dressed, why I was often lectured by my uncles and why my grandmother used to nag me endlessly. That should have been my parents' job but I was not fortunate enough to have good parental guidance.
I also like to draw a distinction between 'don't care' and 'don't care much'. I don't care much about the politics and the world but that doesn't mean I don't care at all. I wish the best for the world and sympathize about the people who died but like most things, I have very little passion for it. If anyone asked me how I feel about Obama being the president, my answer would be a single word "Good". Because I'm trying to be funny here, I would like to add that I think the name Obama sounds like a terrorist.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Living Life to the Fullest
Can anyone tell me what it means to live life to the fullest? Given you current situation, how do you live your life to the fullest? What is considered the fullest? I won't say more now ... it's open for discussion.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Mothers HAVE To Nag
I had wanted to blog about Dominic's Halloween today but the truth is I've got a couple of photos of him looking ever so adorable in his vampire cloak, taken using my very sophisticated new "Smartphone", and I couldn't get them out of the stupid phone. I was supposed to have so many options: (1) To upload it to Flickr directly, but the wi-fi had suddenly stopped working and I don't know why, (2) To e-mail it to myself, but since the wi-fi didn't work this option was out too and (3) To transfer it to my laptop via Bluetooth but I discovered that my laptop doesn't have a Bluetooth device! If I had taken the photos using my old phone, the infra-red could have worked just fine but these sophisticated so-called 'smart' phones don't come with infra-red because it is 'old technology' and 'less efficient' and 'doesn't add value'. Right. Anyway, there is still another option, i.e. cable transfer, and let's hope that works.
So instead of blogging about Halloween, I'm going to talk about what happened on Friday night when for once in a blue moon, Daddy (instead of me) tucked Dominic into bed. It all went well, and we all went to bed soon after Dominic did.
At 6am, from Dominic's room came: "Mummy, I wanna do wee-wee! Mummy, I wanna do wee-wee!". Feeling rather surprised and still half-asleep, I said to him, "Wee in your diaper, you're wearing diaper right?" But of course, he wasn't wearing any because Daddy had forgotten to put it on for him. I know, my friends told me that I should say more good things about Daddy but honestly, this is so classic of him. And DO NOT tell me that at least he tucked Dominic into bed and make it sound like it is my job and that he's doing me a favour by helping out.
Dominic already had his pants off by the time I got to him and he quickly went to the toilet and did a huge pee, and I thought, hey this is cool, maybe he can be completely out of nappies pretty soon ... until I realized he also already did half of it in the bed.
Because it was such a pain to have to change the sheets when all I wanted to do was to get back into bed, I said to him why don't you sleep with daddy and mummy instead but to my surprise he said no. He said no! He never said no when offered to sleep in mummy's bed but this time he had to insist that I change his sheets! Well, at least he went back to sleep immediately after that without any fuss - I guess I should be thankful for that.
Finally, to be fair to daddy, there are indeed many good things that I can say about him and perhaps one day I'll sit down and list them out. But one thing I've known a long time ago - he made me a better person. One day, I'll tell you why. :-)